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Tag: Food parcel appeal 2024


Oasis Food Parcel Appeal 2024

Pay it forward this Christmas by donating a tin of food or contributing towards a Christmas Food Parcel for an Oasis Beneficiary with Intellectual Disability.


Dear Oasis family,

Your generosity for our food parcel campaign at the end of 2023 helped to care for, nourish, and encourage hundreds of our beneficiaries’ households.

Oasis has been incredibly fortunate to be supported by generous friends and supporters – thank you so much.

Now in our 16th year of food parcels, we are aiming to give 400 beneficiaries with intellectual disabilities, the gift of food, nourishment, and care.

With the ever increasing cost of groceries, this year one parcel will cost approximately R834, a huge increase in the cost from last year.

You don’t need to contribute an entire parcel, any amount or item is greatly appreciated.

We aim with your help to fill each parcel with nourishing, low-cost food, health and hygiene items, as well as a few treats.

Every rand, every tin of baked beans, or packet of rice donated helps us put together a food parcel. We hope that you will assist us in gifting our beneficiaries and their families, by supporting our appeal and sharing this message with your family, friends, colleagues and neighbourhood groups.

Thank you to all who can assist.

Kind regards

Gail Bester

Executive Director   |   021 671 2698    |   www.oasis.org.za


Easy ways to contribute

1. Donation via SnapScan


2. Donation via EFT

Account name: Oasis Association
Bank: First National Bank.  Branch: Claremont
Acc no: 593 7179 7078.  Branch code: 200 109
Ref FOOD PARCELS + your name

Please email your POP to accounts2@oasis.org.za

3. Cash Donations

Can be dropped off at any of our Oasis Charity shops – Claremont, Fish Hoek or Elsies River. Cashiers will ring up your donation under “food parcels”.

4. Donation via Drop-off

For all food item donations, we have set up a collection point at the Claremont recycling and donations drop off. Food items can be dropped off at any Oasis Charity Shop – Claremont, Elsies River and Fish Hoek.

Oasis Claremont: Cnr Lee Road and Imam Haron Road, Claremont.

Oasis Fish Hoek: Books and Bric-A-Brac, Shop no 4, Somerset House, 6 Recreation Road, Fish Hoek.

Oasis Elsies River: 16th Street & 8th Avenue, Elsies River.

5. Email us

For further information, please email us at accounts2@oasis.org.za

Please email your deposit slip or proof of EFT to accounts2@oasis.org.za

Ref FOOD PARCELS + your name


Every little bit helps.
Thank you for supporting Oasis.

Oasis Association is a registered non-profit organisation (002-937 NPO) and registered public benefit organisation (PBO 930006609).  We are authorised by SARS to issue 18A Tax receipts, on the strict proviso that donors, both individuals and companies, supply the following information.

18A receipts are only issued when this information is supplied to Oasis with proof of payment to accounts2@oasis.org.za.

Section 18A tax receipts please require:

  • Full name of individual/business (Where trading name differs from registered name both must be supplied)
  • ID number/Business registration number
  • Income tax no/Business tax reference number
  • Physical address
  • Contact phone number
  • Email address